Welcome to Herb Notes. I'm Tara Ruth. I saw mullein growing all around me for years before I knew its name, let alone its many healing gifts.
Now when I see mullein growing by sidewalks and trail sides alike, I smile and say hello to this nourishing plant ally. So let's dive into three benefits of mullein. One, mullein for dry cough. Mullein leaf tea can help soothe the persistent, tickly, dry, irritating cough that is unproductive.
I reach for Mullein during colds when I have a dry cough and also during fire season when my lungs can get irritated from the smoke in the air. When preparing mullein tea, remember to strain it with a very fine strainer because the hairs on mullein leaves can be irritating if ingested. And just as these hairs can irritate us internally, they can also irritate our skin if we are processing a bunch of mullein leaf with our hands. So if you need to process lots of mullein leaf, it's best to wear gloves.
Two. Mullein as a nutritive. Mullein is a nutrient dense plant that can not only strengthen the lungs over time, but can also benefit us with its high levels of calcium and magnesium. For nutritive purposes, I like to prepare a strong tea with mullein leaf.
When working with mullein, it's important to note that mullein can accumulate heavy metals from the soil. Just as its long roots can uptake beneficial minerals, these roots can also uptake heavy metals. That being said, mullein is generally regarded as safe, but it's essential to harvest mullein from healthy soil rather than say that stray mullein plant growing by one of the street signs in my neighborhood I saw yesterday. Three.
Mullein flower for earache. Mullein flowers can be infused in oil to create a remedy that can help address a mild earache. When I have an earache, I place a few drops of the slightly warmed mullein oil in my ear to soothe the pain. And just a note of caution here, remember that mullein oil should not be applied to the ear if the eardrum has been perforated.
Wanna learn more about the benefits of other common herbs? Visit HerbNotes.cards to grab a deck of our top twelve herb notes. You'll learn all about herbs like chamomile, elderberry, and more. This has been herb notes with me, Tara Ruth.
Catch you next time.