Welcome to Herb Notes, I’m Tara Ruth!
In recent years, turmeric (Curcuma longa) has exploded in popularity. Chances are your favorite coffee shop might now even include a golden milk latte on the menu. Turmeric, however, is not just a fad: this vibrant herb is a traditional Ayurvedic remedy with centuries of use as a traditional remedy.
Let's dive into three benefits of turmeric…
1.Turmeric for Inflammation
Turmeric can modulate inflammation in the body. It does this through its high levels of antioxidants and its ability to stimulate glutathione, a protein with considerable antioxidant abilities. Inflammation drives many modern chronic conditions, so modulating inflammation can be an effective way to support overall vitality and wellness. When working with turmeric, I like to work with the whole rhizome rather than an isolated constituent like curcumin. I cook with fresh rhizome and dried turmeric, and I also like to sip on a golden milk latte. When enjoying turmeric, make sure to prepare it with black pepper, which increases its bioavailability.
2.Turmeric for Chronic Pain
Turmeric’s ability to modulate inflammation makes it a fantastic herbal ally for addressing pain. Turmeric has traditionally been used for addressing various inflammatory conditions within the musculoskeletal system, especially arthritis and chronic joint pain.
3. Turmeric for Digestion
Turmeric’s pungent and bitter taste gives us a hint as to how it can help support healthy digestion. As an aromatic carminative, turmeric can address gas, bloating, and cramping in the GI tract. As a bitter, turmeric can help stimulate the release of bile plus other secretions throughout the GI tract to support fat assimilation and overall digestive efficiency.
Turmeric’s inflammation-modulating effects also make it a fantastic ally for addressing inflammation throughout the GI tract.
And just a few notes of caution when working with turmeric: as a warming and drying herb, turmeric has the potential to exacerbate hot and dry conditions in the body.
Turmeric is also contraindicated for folks who are taking blood thinners, have blood clotting disorders, or have known gallstones.
Want to learn more about the benefits of other common herbs? Visit HerbNotes.cards to grab a deck of our top 12 Herb Notes. You’ll learn about herbs like chamomile, elderberry, yarrow, and more.
This has been Herb Notes with me, Tara Ruth. Catch ya next time!