Discovering Pine: A Free Herbal Activity Book
As summer slips into autumn, the leaves begin to fall from the deciduous trees, and it is the continued vibrant green beauty of evergreens like pine that catch our eye and sustain us through the cold months.
Not only are they beautiful, these trees can be a source of healing and nourishment. Pine needles are high in vitamin C and contain other important vitamins and minerals. An oil made with the needles can soothe earaches, and a pine resin salve will help heal cuts and relieve sore muscles.
This year, we’ve created a Discovering Pine Activity Book so that you and your kids can explore the many gifts of the pine tree.
First, you’ll learn to identify and use the tree’s needles and resin. Then, Kimberly will show you how to make Holiday Pine Needle Tea to help you stay warm and nourished this winter. We’ve also included instructions for making a pine cone bird feeder so you can nourish the birds as well.
To help you learn more about what the pine tree looks like, we’ve included a coloring book page that comes with our Wildcraft! board game.
Finally, you’ll get to meet Strobus, the pine fairy from my Herb Fairies book series, by coloring him and making a fairy paper doll! Strobus is modeled after our late friend Tekaronianeken, Chief Jake Swamp of the Mohawk Nation, who founded the Tree of Peace Society and taught about the power of giving thanks, so we’ve also included a page about gratitude.
We hope you enjoy this special holiday gift from LearningHerbs. Print and share it as many times as you would like.
If you want to share your passion for herbs with the young people in your life in another fun way, consider my Wildcraft! board game. It is a delightful way to spend a cozy family day during your holiday break. Brew up some of that Holiday Pine Needle Tea to drink while you play!
🔽 Click to download the activity book.
May we all stay healthy, warm and nourished this winter!