Discovering Marshmallow Root: A Free Herbal Activity Book
Marshmallow, with its soft leaves and delicate white to pink flowers is definitely one of my favorite plant allies. I love how gentle and soothing this herbal remedy is. I have found myself calling on marshmallow’s gifts particularly in cold and flu season to help soothe sore throats and dry coughs.
Marshmallow roots are filled with polysaccharides, which make them slippery or demulcent. I make a cold infusion of dried marshmallow root by putting one ounce of root in a quart jar of cool water and letting it steep for at least 4 hours. The resulting marshmallow root tea has a sweet, earthy taste, and it’s slippery, soothing, and healing for tender tissues at the back of the throat. I also like to combine the tea with equal parts honey to make an herbal cough syrup for dry coughs.
Tasty Marshmallow Root Marshmallows
This same demulcent quality is what led to marshmallow root being used to make the very first version of marshmallows. Though the root is no longer used in the candy marshmallows we buy at the store, we can make a homemade version using the roots.
You’ll find a recipe for these marshmallow root marshmallows in our Discovering Marshmallow Root Activity Book book that you can share with your kids. We’ve also included a recipe for making your own homemade soap, which is not only beautiful but also supportive for skin health.
Marshmallow Poultices and Teas
Did you know that marshmallow leaf poultices can help heal burns and rashes? Marshmallow is cooling and moistening and is especially good at healing skin conditions.
A tea made from the leaf or root can also help relieve a stomach ache. Marshmallows anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties can help to heal the whole digestive tract, making it useful for treating ulcers, heartburn, and other digestive issues.
What’s in The Activity Book
The Discovering Marshmallow Root Activity Book is a great way to learn more about the benefits of marshmallow root while also having fun with your children. We’ve included a crossword puzzle that will help you test your knowledge as well as pages to help you learn the identifying characteristics of the marshmallow plant (like its soft leaves and white to pink flowers).
There are coloring pages to enjoy and you’ll meet Althaea, the marshmallow fairy from the Herb Fairies series. You can even dress up an Althaea paper doll with clothes you cut out and color yourself.
We hope you enjoy this special holiday gift from LearningHerbs. Print and share it as many times as you would like.
Even More Herbal Family Fun
If you want to share your passion for herbal medicine with the young people in your life in another fun way, consider my Wildcraft! board game. It is a delightful way to spend a cozy family day during your holiday break. Brew up some hot cocoa with homemade marshmallows to drink while you play!
May you enjoy my Discovering Marshmallow Activity Book and may we all stay healthy, warm, and nourished this winter!
Frequently Asked Questions About Marshmallow Root
Can I make a marshmallow root tea with marshmallow powder?
Yes, you can make the tea with marshmallow root powder or cut/sifted marshmallow root.
What other types of herbal products can I make with marshmallow?
There are so many different types of marshmallow root extracts you can make. Marshmallow shines in syrups, teas, broths, and vinegars. It also works beautifully in an infused oil for topical use.