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Learn The Healing Uses of 12 Essential Herbs

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Welcome to the Herbal Mocktail Lounge (A Story and 5 Recipes)

A sprig of thyme, a slice of lemon, a dash of bitters… when summer...

How Herbs Soothe Inflammation (Plus a Tasty Tea Blend!)

Herbalists have known for a long time that herbs soothe inflammation.

And for...

Ginger Uses and Plant Monograph

It probably won’t surprise you that Ayurveda calls ginger the...

Goldenrod Uses and Plant Monograph

When the tall spires of goldenrod begin to boast their yellow...

How to Make Chive Blossom Vinegar & Chive Health Benefits

While most of my garden is still dormant from the winter months,...

Refreshing Lavender Lemonade Your Kids Will Love: Lavenade

As a mother of seven children, it’s always wonderful when my children...

Goldenseal Uses and Plant Monograph

Goldenseal presents a tragic story of what can happen when an herb is...

Nutrient-Dense Herbal Drink: Tulsi and Hibiscus Oxymel

My interest in making homemade shrubs and oxymels started slowly and then...

Gotu Kola Uses and Plant Monograph

I grew up around gotu kola without even knowing it. This plant...

Herbs for Liver Health: A Healing Tea Blend

I create a lot of tea blends. Some of the blends turn out just...

Grindelia Uses and Plant Monograph

Budding grindelia flowers ooze a thick, creamy resinous latex that...

How to Make Sensuous Chocolate Covered Strawberries

For the last few years, I’ve been taking a deep dive into researching...


How To Learn The Healing Uses of 12 Essential Herbs

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  • Body Butter
  • Elderberry Gummies
  • Evergreen Lip Balm
  • Garden Incense
  • Cinnamon MilkSpice &
  • Tea Blends
  • Whole Food Vitamin C Pills
  • …and 15 more of our Top Ranked Recipes of all time!

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